WEBVTT 1 00:00:02.485 --> 00:00:11.815 Ad Hoc reporting in CCH Tagetik allows users to immediately interact with any data they have access to and quickly respond to any data analysis request 2 00:00:11.816 --> 00:00:21.046 by simply selecting a slice of data they want to investigate. Let's take a look. We'll access CCH Tagetik's Ad Hoc reporting directly from the homepage. 3 00:00:21.047 --> 00:00:30.477 One click away when we log in and we have the ability to select any dimension or combination of dimensions maybe even a particular hierarchy that would like to investigate 4 00:00:30.478 --> 00:00:39.608 right on the fly. For instance to take a look at our operating expenses in our entire organization I'll simply navigate to that node within our account 5 00:00:39.609 --> 00:00:49.035 hierarchies and select the account or group of accounts that I'd like to investigate and rather than looking at New York City only, I'll take a look at the details at the top of the house. 6 00:00:51.034 --> 00:00:58.659 Now we see the data that we called upon instantaneously and we can easily adjust the view of data and watch it update 7 00:00:58.660 --> 00:01:06.086 right on the fly. But let's say I'd like to add an additional dimension. Back in the filters I'll add a new one. Let's say, for example, 8 00:01:06.087 --> 00:01:13.511 cost centers but let's leverage the departmental view of the hierarchy and watch CCH Tagetik produce a new table. 9 00:01:14.832 --> 00:01:23.697 Additionally we have the ability to slice and dice at the node level of the hierarchies. So, for example, I can bring my departments down into my rows 10 00:01:23.698 --> 00:01:32.763 but if this is too much detailed I can start deselecting and selecting items within any dimension and watch the view get updated as I make these selections. 11 00:01:34.873 --> 00:01:42.960 And rather than looking at the rows by entity and then department, we can swap these views to see it broken down by department and then entities. 12 00:01:44.020 --> 00:01:51.258 CCH Tagetik's Ad Hoc reporting also offers in-cell chart capabilities to leverage for example the table 13 00:01:51.259 --> 00:01:58.698 bar chart or the heat map so that I can easily highlight the points of data that stand out and impact my business the most. 14 00:01:58.699 --> 00:02:06.336 And finally we can export this to Excel at any point in time and continue the investigation within the Excel paper pivoting view.